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Add a New Account
Updated over 10 months ago

Accounts are the basic level of your club members.

In general an 'Account' represents a family unit and the "Members" on the account are the spouses, partners, children grandparents etc. on the account. The 'Account' is your top level and the 'members' are everyone underneath that account.

The account number on the account is the foundation of the account, it ties together the owner of the account, members, billing, invoicing, POC and a host of other items.

A word about accounts and account numbers. Account numbers are primary keys to tying your members information together. Account #s are assigned when the account is opened and are assigned in sequential order. An account# cannot be modified, altered, selected, or reused.

Do not reuse an account number under any circumstances due to the importance and confidential information associated with the account. Kindly close the current account and set up a new one.

Go to the Dashboard. Then Select Membership > Accounts. Click on "Add Account" button.


Fill in all of the information for the account and don't forget to hit ADD ACCOUNT at the bottom!

A word about emails on the account.

Network Wordpress sites use the email as a unique identifier for all account. Because of this underlying logic no 2 accounts can have the same email address. Where you will see this rule put into place is in when you set up new account for a member that is already a member at a different club on our network. You will get a notification that says "this email is already in use". To get around this check do 1 of the following:

  1. User an alternate emails address for the member.

  2. Have the member contact their current club and ask for the email address at that club to be changed to a different email or a junk email inserted (just closing the account will not work)

  3. If your member uses a google email account there is an alias workaround you can use. Here is how it works: If the members google email is [email protected] he has several alias' that are associated with it. As such you can put in the address of [email protected] and it will send email to [email protected]. This allows you to bypass the security check and still have Robert gets emails from you club.

  4. If your member has no email alternative and can't remember which club they are associated with, we can still help by letting them know the name of the club that has their email on file. Then the member can contact the club directly and proceed with #2 above.


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