If you are reading this you are just about ready to send out your initial welcome letter to your members. The #1 reason to send this email campaign is to allow your members to access your MemberSplash website. In this email you provide:
Your website login URL
The member unique username and temporary password
Any initial steps you would like your members to complete such as adding member photos, updating account information, and paying!
Step 1: Create a Segment
When sending any email, including your initial email, you'll want to filter for a specific group of members called segments. In the case of your initial welcome letter you might want to consider sending it to the Member Type, Adults within your membership. That means you would be sending the email to both the primary and secondary adults on the account but not to children. Another popular option is sending to the Billing Contact on the account. To understand how to create and use segments read Understanding MemberSplash Segments in Mailchimp to help get you started.
Step 2: Create an Email Template
Read: Create an Email Template article at Mailchimp
Use one of our complimentary letters from Introducing Member Splash to Your Members or write your own.
Step3: Create an Email (Campaign)
Read: Create an Email Campaign article at Mailchimp
Create an Email Campaign and Send
Recommended! Make sure that you always test your email before sending to your membership!