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Add a New Product - Per Member Pricing
Add a New Product - Per Member Pricing
Updated over 11 months ago

Overview - Please refer the overview article under Flat Rate Pricing.

Per Member Pricing Example

In this example we will charge members based on the number of people on their account.

Select Products>> Add New>>

1. Fill in the name (as it appears on the the members bill), the Description and the Fee Type. Be sure to add the phrase "Click on the checkbox on the right to select this membership type" in the description.

2. Scroll Down>>

3. This is a per member pricing product so we will select the Per Member Pricing option.

(IMPORTANT NOTE - Use only 1 pricing option when setting up a product. You must decided which pricing option you are going to use. Said another way DO NOT fill in prices for "Flat Rate Pricing" and "per-members" pricing. You can choose to use only one of the pricing options: Flat Rate, Per Member, Age & Member Type, House Guest, etc. )

4. Click Per Member Pricing & review the check boxes. Here you can require all the members on the account to be paid or you can allow your members to select which members will access the pool or the coming season (this last feature is handy for clubs that have a lot of college aged people in the family and may not be around during the summer)

5. Then simply add the price you are charging for each member as seen in the screen shot below.

6. The requirements for payment are to "require all" or "Require billing Contact". Leaving these blank will mean that no one is required to pay. (not an option at most clubs)

7. The "Restrict by member type" allows you to have the charge appear for just certain member types. This is a handy feature if you want the charge to only be presented for the children at the club.

(NOTE: Price Variations are not applicable on per member pricing)

8. Now scroll down to the "Show / Hide / Require Rules". Here you need to select the "show" option.

9. Now all you need to do is either save the this as a draft for use later OR Publish it to start billing!


1. The 'require' option is not applicable here as the pricing element is Step 5.

2. We instruct the member to "Click on the checkbox on the right to select this membership type" in the description in Step 1.

3. Because this product is set up as a 'Membership fee' type, members will remain UNPAID until this fee is paid and thus cannot just skip this payment.

Advanced Per-Member Pricing Example

Member Splash has recently updated the Per-Member Pricing Module so that it can be used for charges other than membership fees. The "Restrict by member type" allows you to build products that will only present to the member type you specify. (for example just for Senior member system)

The classic example is a Pool Admins that wants to set up charges for swim team and only present them to the children on the account.

This allows you to have just the children appear. Then the member can select from the children who they want to pay for to be on the swim team.


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