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Make Products Active / Inactive & Schedule Live Date
Make Products Active / Inactive & Schedule Live Date
Updated over 11 months ago

Clubs often update their prices each year and want to ensure that members aren’t able to log in and renew for the upcoming season at the old rates. Member Splash makes it easy to control this by simply changing the Status of the product. Only products with their status set to Published will be displayed to members. To keep a product but make it inaccessible simply change the status to Draft.

In the admin dashboard navigate to the Products menu. This will bring up a list of all of the things your club charges a fee for — dues, bonds, guest fees, etc.

When you hover over any item in the list of products you will see options to Edit, Quick Edit, Trash or View the product.

Selecting Edit will open up the full editor, where you can change the price, rules, manage discounts, etc. For changing the status you can use Quick Edit — this lets you change the status without leaving the list of products or needing to refresh the screen, which in turn makes it very quick to update multiple products.

When you click on Quick Edit you’ll see several options, one of which is the status. Simply change it from Published to Draft (or vice versa) and then hit the blue Update button.

Update Multiple Products

You also have the option to update the status of multiple products at the same time. To do that click the checkbox next to the products you with to edit or the check box at the top of the column (it will toggle all products between selected and deselected).

From the Bulk Actions menu select Edit and then click Apply. This will open up the quick editor with a list of the products to be changed. You can remove any you don't want to update by clicking on the X icon to the left of the product name. Change the status and hit the blue Update button.

Schedule a Product to Became Available in the Future

Many clubs open membership renewals on a specific date each year. In order to have a product or products become available at a set date and time you can use the quick editor to set the product Date.

If you select a date in the future and hit Update the product status will automatically change from Published to Scheduled and it will be indicated on the list of products.

Note that the time portion of the date settings uses 24-hour time

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