Creating Facilities
Facilities refers to anything that a member can make a reservation for: a lap lane, the main swim pool, a tennis court, etc. Your first step in setting up the reservations system is to go to Reservations -> Facilities and create your first one.
Facility Groups. Facility Groups is a collective of facilities. For example, if you have six lap lanes all of these can put put under one Facility Group. The same is true for you Tennis courts or Parties areas. By grouping your facilities you can apply reservation restrictions to all of the underlying facilities regardless of which one a member selects. (The classic example is when a person books all 3 party areas thus taking all the available party space for a Friday night. By putting a restriction of 1 reservation per account per week on the Facility Group, you can make sure other member have fair change to book a party)
In the screen shot below we have a number of facilities, ( Courts and Lap Lanes are the ones we use most). To create a new group simply click on the Add Facility Group button.
NOTE: All facilities have to belong to a group, even if there is only one facility in that group. For example, you might have a group for Main Pool and the sole facility in that group would be Main Pool.
Here we are adding a Hot Tub Group.
Adding a Facility Group will open a window with a number of settings options. This is where you can set all of the rules that apply globally to facilities in the group. See Reservations - Setting limits on your Group Facilities for more details.
Here is what each of those options controls:
Group Name: This is required. Name this generically, we will get to specific lanes or courts when we create our unique facilities;
Visible to Members: Optional. This allows you to create a facility grouping that is not visible to members. This allows you to set up facility groups and facilities and only make them visible when everything is complete;
Allow Guests: Optional. This setting allows you to enable guest reservations made from the member account screens. The accompanying field allows you to set the maximum number of guests that a member is allowed to add to their reservation.
Restrict Access By Account Type/s: The dropdown menu allows you to select which account types can make reservations. For example you may only let the 'Swim & Tennis' Account type access to make reservations on the courts, so they should appear here. Leave the field blank if you want all Account types to be able to make reservations. This setting is only available from the Group Facility.
Reservation Periods: Optional. This allows you to control how far in advance your members can make a reservation. You might create a Facility Group with a schedule that applies for the entire season, but want your members to only be able to make reservations a week in advance;
Reservation Limits: Optional. This allows you to control the maximum number of reservations that can be made per day or per week. It supports applying those limits on a per-member basis and per-account basis;
Default Schedules: Optional. This was one of the big asks for 2021. A group default schedule will apply to all facilities in that group unless an individual facility has a superseding schedule set. An example use would be setting time slots for all six lap lanes at a club. If applied at the group level they would all inherit this schedule. If lane one follows a different schedule due to something like swim lessons you could then define a schedule for lap one which would supersede the group schedule;
To add a default schedule, start by selecting a beginning and end date at the top left. These are required and control what time frame the selected facility group will be available to reserve. Once you've selected your date range, add your first-time block by clicking and dragging on the calendar for the time slot you would like to create.
If you wish to delete the time slot, right-click the specific time slot to bring up the delete option.
If you would like to create the same schedule on any given day, there is a feature to copy the schedule. To do that just hover over the name of the day at the top of the schedule and choose Copy, then choose the day you would like to apply the schedule to and choose Paste.
Keep in mind that when creating blocks of time to keep it as one block if there are no breaks. Creating multiple time slots that can be made in one block can warrant unwanted issues.
Left: Not Recommended Right: Preferred
When you are done setting up the schedule click on the Add button at the top right.
This will bring you back to the Create Facility Group screen where you click Create to save your new facility group.
Congratulations, you have created a Facility Group!
Your new Facility Group is now created but it doesn't yet have any facilities to reserve. To add one click on the button within the Facility Group.
Then add the Facility you want, in this case a hot tub.
This will open a window similar to the one for facility groups where you can create an individual facility that belongs to the group.
Facility Name: Required. This identifies the particular facility;
Visible to Members: Optional. Just as a facility group can be hidden from members an individual facility within a group can be hidden until you want it published;
Custom Email Message: This allows you to send email messages by facility, letting your members know things about the space they are reserving (for example the Court lights turn off at 9:00 pm or the party room must be cleaned or a $200 charge will be placed on your account)
Maximum Capacity: Required. The maximum number of people who can use the facility at one time;
Max Reservation Length: Optional. The maximum length of time a single reservation can last. For example, you could set the maximum length at 1 hour which would allow someone to book a half hour reservation if they choose but no longer than an hour. NOTE: be sure to enter a value into the Minutes dropdown, (even if it is 0), or your limits will not function correctly.
Single Account per Time Slot: Optional. If enabled this means that only members of the same account can make reservations for the same slot. If your club has cabanas for example, you could allow up to 6 people per reservation slot but use this option to mandate that all six must be members of the same account;
Allow Guests: Optional. This toggle can be set at either the Group Facility level or at the Facility level. If set at the Group Facility level, a note will present in the facility modal telling you that settings are enabled at the Group level and any updates to this setting will need to take place on the Group Facility modal.
Add a Schedule: Optional. Follow the same steps as account grouping and create a schedule for this specific facility. If none is selected, the Facility Group schedule will be applied.
Please Note: In this example we set the schedule in the Facility Group which becomes the default for all the facilities under the group. Should one of the facilities need a special schedule you can set up that facility with its own special schedule. IN this example my Facility Group of Lap Lanes has one lane that is odd. Its a "Shared Lane 3" and it needs its own special schedule, this can be set up by clicking the button "add a schedule" and adding it.
Use with some caution as this lane will have a different schedule from the rest of the group!
Deleting Facility Groups and Facilities is quick and easy.
First Delete and Facility by clicking on the 3 dots next to the facility and then click delete
Then go to the Facility Groups click the box next to the Facility Group and click the Delete Group button in red