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Sales Summary
Updated over 11 months ago

The Sales Summary Report shows you your sales at the Fee Type Level, which is your "summary row".

The screen shot below you can see the Fee Type of Cabana.

Under that fee type are your products.

The Sales Summary also allows you to compress the report only showing the Summary Rows.

POS items can be added or removed from the report using the toggle.

Gravity Forms items can also be sown on the report (please see the pop up for additional information)

Lastly the report also allows for the addition or removal of columns that show additional data.

When changing your filters always be sure to click the Apply Button.

πŸ’‘Note: The # Sold indicates the number of orders that have the products on it not the number of products sold.

For example, if 1 order had 5 books of guest passes purchased, the number sold will show as 1.


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