When introducing Member Splash to your community for the first time, our recommendation is to send an initial email that includes important information and login credentials. This is a key step in introducing your residents to MemberSplash.
To include login credentials in your initial email, there are two options:
Mail Merge via export of Username and Email using another email system
Guided Tour to send to your Residents
We have created a generic guided tour for you to send to your residents to guide them through their initial login, initial requirements and specific how to's. This tour cannot be modified but aims to broadly cover all the steps a resident would take upon initial set up of their account.
Sample Introduction Email
Please review this email template in detail. It includes all possible scenarios that might not be applicable to your HOA based on your operating rules and/or your preferred Member Splash settings.
Welcome to the New Season!
We are excited to announce the launch of our new, fully digital membership management system: Member Splash! This upgrade will provide you with the convenience of registering members and purchasing guest passes online, as well as allowing our front gate staff to quickly check you and your guests in.
As part of the pre-launch process, we have meticulously cleaned our records and imported all of your existing account data into the new system. When you first log in to register, please take a moment to verify your account information and make any necessary corrections.
If you have any questions or need assistance with any changes, please contact us at {insert contact email}.
Login page: https://example.membersplash.com/manage-account
Username: {merge field}
Temporary Password: {temporary password: found in Member Splash Settings > Account Settings or on your Credential Sheet}
IMPORTANT: If you ever lose your password you can use the password reset link found on the login page and an email will be sent to reset the password.
Look for this symbol
to make changes or access more information.
Edit Account Information: Please confirm your Account Summary information is accurate. Click the three dots to the right of Account Summary and select Edit Account Details . You can change your Username and change the Primary Contact.
Payment Status: This payment status reflects the current status of your monthly HOA fees being collected via another platform.
PAID = account verified and HOA fees current. Access granted at Check In Desk
PENDING = account under review
UNPAID = delinquint or a violation. Access denied at Check In DeskUpdate Password: You can also change your password here by selecting Change Password.
Emergency Contact: Everyone should have an emergency contact on file. To add an emergency contact click the three dots next to Emergency Contact and add name and phone number.
Add Members: Click the three dots to the right of Members and select Add Member. Do not be alarmed if a new member is added as UNPAID. Please allow 24-48 hours for the Admin to review and approve new members.
Edit Member Information / Add Photo: Click the three dots next to the member's name and edit name, phone, email, gender, member type and/or date of birth. Click Add Photo to add or update photo. Please use a close-up, head shot or cropped face photo.
Delete Member: Click the three dots next to the member's name and select Delete.
Complete Waiver: Required forms, such as a Waiver, will appear next to the primary account holder or all adults. Click on the blue page icon to complete this form.
Guest Pass Credits: These are one time use passes for you to bring non-members. To purchase passes, please navigate to the light blue Menu to Payments> Make a Payment.
Caregiver Passes: These are passes for non-resident caregivers who will be able to check in for only one season. To purchase this pass, please navigate to the light blue menu to Payments > Make a Payment. Once the caregiver is added to the account, please update their Member Information and Photo.
Member Directory: Members can opt in or out of the Member Directory on their own.
Reservations: To make a reservation for {insert amenity}, please navigate to the blue menu Reservations to make, modify or cancel your reservation. First select a Facility Group, then the date for your reservation. Scroll for an available spot and click on the spot to make your reservation.
Once you have completed all your account requirements, updated your members, and the Admin has reviewed your account, you're ready to head to the pool!
- No Physical Barcode Pass or Digital QR code is needed at Check In. -
Checking In: Checking in at the Check In Desk is a breeze! Just provide your {last name, account number, legacy account # or street address} to the attendant and they will verify your information and check you in.
Checking Out: Please make sure to check out on your way out of the pool.
Self Check In via Tablet: Upon arrival please check in using your {last name, account number, legacy account # or street address} on the tablet.
Self Check in via Phone: {more information about self check in is here}